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Saturday, December 26, 2009

me.jpgI trust that you and your family had a wonderful celebration of our Savior's birth. What an awesome time to remember the greatest gift of all when God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.

As the new year begins we are beginning a new  ministry called "The Institute for End Times Ministry."  Here is a brief description:
The modern church has put so much emphasis on numerical growth that spiritual growth and maturity in the faith has been neglected, consequently there are many who have professed faith in Christ and prayed the so-called "sinners prayer," gone through the waters of baptism and joined the church who have absolutely no idea of what they have gotten themselves into. Some of them have been in the church for years with little or no  measurable growth in grace, while others are new to the faith and need immediate attention before they fall back into their old lifestyle.  These folks need simple, effective, practical training in how to discover spiritual principles and live them out in the everyday.  

In addition, God is raising up men and women in these last days that who never follow the normal denominational path of college and seminary education, but who have a legitimate calling and burning zeal for ministry and who need encouragement, enlightenment and practical equipping for effective ministry. The average church today is not addressing this need, creating a huge gap between where the church is and where God intends to take her in these last days; therefore the
“Institute for End Times Ministry” can be an effective tool to fill this gap and prepare these men and women for dynamic ministry.

As you can see the ministry has two tracks.
Track #1 - Foundations of Faith is designed for new Christians who desire to grow in their walk of Faith, but also for those who have been Christians for some time, but still sense the need to go on with the Lord to higher ground and a deeper level of Faith.

Track # 2 - The Timothy Institute is designed for those who are sensing a call to ministry. It will enable them to discover their calling and develop their ministry of faith in these chaotic times.

Check out the new webpage marked Institute for End Times Ministry.

6:22 pm est 

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